• shell
    • GUI (Graphical User Interface)
    • kernel mode / supervisor mode
    • user mode
    • SATA (Serial ATA)
    • disk driver
    • multiplexing
    • mainframes
    • batch system
    • multiprogramming
    • spooling (Simultaneous Peripheral Operation On Line)
    • timesharing
    • cloud computing
    • UNIX
    • UNIX-like
    • BSD (Berkeley Software Distribution)
    • POSIX
    • System V
    • MINIX
    • Linux
    • LSI (Large Scale Integration)
    • microcomputers
    • DOS (Disk Operating System)
    • network operating systems
    • distributed operating systems
    • X Window System (X11)
    • program counter
    • stack pointer
    • PSW (Program Status Word)
    • pipeline
    • superscalar CPU
    • system call
    • multithreading
    • hyperthreading (intel's name for multithreading)
    • cores
    • CPU (Graphical Processing Unit)
    • cache lines
    • cache hit
    • L1 cache
    • L2 cache
    • RAM (Random Access Memory)
    • core memory
    • ROM (Read Only Memory)
    • EEPROM (Electrically Erasable PROM)
    • flash memory
    • SSD (Solid State Disk)
    • virtual memory
    • REF: MMU (Memory Management Unit)
    • context switch
    • process switch
    • device driver
    • I/O port space
    • busy waiting
    • interrupt
    • waiting (busy, blocking)
    • interrupt vector
    • DMA (Direct Memory Access)
    • PCI (Peripheral Component Interconnect Express)
    • ISA (Industry Standard Architecture)
    • shared bus architecture
    • serial bus architecture
    • DMI (Direct Media Interface)
    • USB (Universal Serial Bus)
    • SCSI (Small Computer System Interface)
    • plug and play
    • BIOS (Basic Input Output System)
    • PDA (Personal Digital Assistant)
    • hard real-time system
    • soft real-time system
    • process
    • address space
    • process table
    • core image
    • command interpreter
    • child process
    • interprocess communication (IPC)
    • UID (User IDentification)
    • GID (Group IDentification)
    • superuser
    • Administrator
    • directory
    • working directory
    • file descriptor
    • root file system
    • special file (UNIX)
    • block special file
    • character special file
    • pipe
    • rwx bits (read, write, execute)
    • prompt
    • PID (Process IDentifier)
    • UNIX system calls
    • text segment
    • REF: data segment
    • stack segment
    • i-nodes
    • partitions
    • minor devices
    • API (Application Programming Interface)
    • shared libraries
    • DLL (Dynamic-Link Library)
    • monolithic system
    • microkernel
    • CMS (Conversational Monitor System)
    • shared hosting
    • type 1 hypervisor
    • type 2 hypervisor
    • host operating system
    • guset operating system
    • paravirtualization
    • JVM (Java Virtual Machine)
    • exokernel
    • multiprocessor
    • pseudoparallelism
    • REF: multiprogramming
    • REF: daemons
    • process scheduler
    • process table
    • process control blocks (PCB)
    • REF: interrupt vector
    • short-term scheduler
    • long-term scheduler
    • dispatcher
    • worker thread
    • REF: thread table
    • trap
    • wrapper
    • jacket
    • REF: upcall
    • pop-up thread
    • scheduler
    • scheduling algorithms
    • REF: compute-bound (CPU-bound)
    • REF: I/O-bound
    • REF: nonpreemptive
    • REF: suspended
    • REF: quantum
    • UMA (Uniform Memory Access)
    • NUMA (Nonuniform Memory Access)
    • cache line
    • cache-coherence protocol
    • crossbar switch
    • REF: mutual exclusion
    • REF:atomic
    • priority inversion problem
    • producer-consumer or bounded buffer problem
    • futex
    • condition variables
    • monitor (synchronization primitive)
    • message passing
    • barrier (synchronization mechanism)
    • RCU (Read-Copy-Update)
    • banker’s algorithm
    • memory hierarchy
    • memory manager
    • swapping
    • virtual memory
    • REF: free lists
    • REF: bitmaps
    • REF: pages
    • REF: virtual address space
    • REF: page frames
    • REF: page table
    • dirty bit
    • REF: TLB (Translation Lookaside Buffer)
    • associative memory
    • page table walk
    • minor page fault
    • major page fault
    • segmentation fault
    • multilevel page table
    • page directory
    • inverted page tables
    • FAT-16, FAT-32, exFAT
    • NTFS
    • magic number
    • sequential access
    • metadata
    • file descriptors
    • working directory
    • relative path name
    • current directory
    • absolute path name
    • hard link
    • soft link
    • symbolic link
    • REF: MBR (Master Boot Record)
    • REF: boot block
    • superblock
    • UDF (Universal Disk Format)

    Spin lock

    A lock that uses busy waiting.


    To make sure that certain event chains do not occur.


    A situation where no process is blocked but events are happening with no progress.


    A situation where a process run indefinitely but fail to make any progress due to unfairness.


    A situation where all processes are blocked waiting for each other and will remain in that state indefinitely.

    Preemptable resource

    A resource that can be taken away from another process without any bad effects.

    Nonpreemptable resource

    A resource that cannot be taken away from another process without any bad effects.

    Static relocation

    A method for relocation every memory address during the load process with a constant, the constant being the first physical memory address the program was loaded into.

    Dynamic relocation

    A method for mapping a process' address space onto different physical memory parts.

    Memory compaction

    A technique to move all processes in memory down as far as possible to avoid memory holes.

    Random-access files

    Files that can be read in any order.


    FAT (File Allocation Table). A table in memory that keeps track of the pointers to all disk blocks in the same file.