General optimization problem definition


    Linear programming (LP)

    • Linear objective function
    • Affine constraint functions
    • Ground set defined by affine equalities or inequalities.

    Nonlinear programming (NLP)

    • Some functions are nonlinear.

    Unconstrained optimization

    Constrained optimization

    Integer programming (IP)

    • or

    Convex programming (CP)

    • are convex functions
    • are affine
    • is closed and convex


    Formulating the problem

    1. Define what sets the problem requires
    2. Acknowledge what parameters the problem has and to what set it belongs to
    3. What type of descision variables is suitable for the problem


    Convex set

    A set is convex if

    Affine hull

    The affine hull of a finite set is defined as

    Convex hull

    The convex hull of a finite set is defined as

    Affine combination

    An affine combination of the points is a vector satisfying


    Convex combination

    A convex combination of the points is a vector satisfying

    where and for every


    A set is a polytype if it is the convex hull of finitely many points in .


    A set is a polyhedron if there exists a matrix and a vector such that

    The set is the intersection of half-spaces. Polyhedrons may be unbounded.


    A set is a cone if whenever and .

    Polyhedral cone

    The set where is a cone but also a polyhedron, which is why it is usually called a polyhedral cone.

    Half space

    A half space is the set the cuts the space in two parts

    Convex function

    Suppose that is a convex set, then a function is convex on if

    • A function is strictly convex if the inequality is strict.
    • A function is concave if is convex.

    Note that linear functions are both convex and concave.

    Carathéodory's Theorem

    Let where . Then can be expressed as a convex combination of or fewer points of .

    Representation Theorem

    The Representation Theorem states that every polyhedron that has at least one extreme point is the sum of a polytope and a polyhedral cone.

    Farkas' Lemma

    Let and . Then exactly one of the systems has a feasible solution


    and the other one is inconsistent.

    Existence of optimal solutions


    • We say that a set is open if for every there exists an such that .
    • A set is closed if is open.
    • A limit point of a set is a point such that there exists a sequence fulfilling .
    • We can then define a closed set as a set which contains all its limit points.
    • We say that a set is bounded if there exists a constant such that for all .
    • If a set is both closed and bounded, we call it compact.


    Weakly coercive function

    A function is said to be weakly coercive with respect to the set if either is bounded or

    Lower semi-continuity

    A function is said to be lower semi-continuous at if the value is less than or equal to every limit of as

    Feasible direction

    Let . A vector defines a feasible direction at if

    The feasible direction is therefore a direction at a point where we can move without becoming infeasible.

    Descent direction

    Let . A vector defines a descent direction with respect to at if

    Normal cone

    Suppose the set is closed and convex. Let . Then the normal cone to at is the set

    Weierstrass' Theorem

    Consider the problem where is a nonempty and closed set and is lower semi-continuous on . If is weakly coercive with respect to , then there exists a nonempty, closed and bounded (compact) set of optimal solutions to the problem.

    Optimality conditions (S equal R^n)

    When (unconstrained optimization problem), the following theorem holds

    Necessary condition for optimality 1

    If on then

    Necessary condition for optimality 2

    If on then

    Sufficient condition for optimality 2

    If on then

    Necessary and sufficient condition for optimality 1

    If is convex on then

    Optimality conditions (S sub R^n)

    Necessary condition for optimality 1

    Suppose that and that on .

    a) If is a local minimum of over then

    holds for all feasible directions at .

    b) Suppose that is convex. If is a local minimum of over then

    Neecssary and sufficient conditions for optimality 1

    Suppose that is a convex nonempty set and that is a convex function on then

    When the expression can be reduced to , because then we don't need to worry about boundary points.

    Stationary point in optimality condition

    If is convex and a point fulfilling the four equivalent statements a)-d) are called a stationary point.





    where is the projection onto the set , and is the normal cone.

    Unconstrained optimization

    1. Begin by finding a descent direction. The vector is a descent direction if for all for some .

    Steepest descent direction

    Newton's search direction


    1. Then choose step length

    Newton's method

    Armijo rule

    then keep decreasing until the following holds

    1. Stop the algorithm when at least two of the following holds

    Different cone sets

    Cone of feasible directions

    Tangent cone

    Cone of descent directions

    Active constraints

    Inner gradient cone

    Gradient cone

    Nicely behaving set

    Fritz John conditions

    Constraint qualification (CQ)

    Defines some regularity over the set

    Abadie's CQ

    Holds at a point if

    Linear independence CQ (LICQ)

    We say that LICQ holds at if the gradients for the active constraints are linearly independent.

    Affine CQ

    We say that the Affine CQ holds if all the constraints are affine.

    Slater CQ

    We say that Slater's CQ holds if all are convex and an inner point exists.

    Karush-Kuhn-Tucker conditions (KKT)

    Assume that Abadie's CQ holds at a point which is feasible in (P), then

    Sufficiency of KKT conditions

    If the objective function is convex and all constraint functions are convex, the the following holds

    Lagrangian duality/relaxation

    A relaxation to


    where and

    Relaxation Theorem

    Lagrangian relaxation

    This is the primal problem

    and this is the dual problem

    Lagrangian dual function

    Weak duality

    For any and any feasible to the primal problem, it holds that

    Lagrangian dual problem

    The dual function is concave and its effective domain is convex.

    Lagrange multiplier

    is a Lagrange multiplier if

    Strong duality

    Assume that there exists a inner pint to the primal problem, and that , that is a convex function, that are convex functions and that is a convex set. Then the following holds

    Linear programming (LP)

    For linear problems of the sort

    we can use the Simplex method to solve for an optimal solution. We first convert to standard form:

    where .

    Basic solution

    A point is a basic solution if and the columns of A corresponding to non-zero elements of are linearly independent.

    Basic feasible solution (BFS)

    A point is a BFS if , and the columns of A corresponding to non-zero elements in are linearly independent.

    Degenerate BFS

    Consider a BFS with . By definition and . If some elements of are zero the BFS is called degenerate.

    Simplex method


    Convert this problem to standard form. To find an initial BFS solve the Phase I problem. That is add as many artificial variables as you need to form the initial base vector as the identity matrix and consider minimizing the artificial variables. Use the Simplex method to move out all artificial variables from the base vector. When this is achieved we have solved the Phase I problem. If we can form the identity matrix without artificial variables go directly to the Phase II problem with this as the base. When we have an initial BFS we solve the Phase II problem, that is the original problem. For each iteration begin by determining and , e.g. we could have and . We also calculate and which corresponds to the same variables for the partition in , as well as and in a similar manner. Then we calculate the incoming variable (from ) with the following formula:

    Then we need to calculate the outgoing variable (from ). We do this by

    We update the variables and go back and start over. We need to check that for feasible solution, that so that we do not have an unbounded solution. We terminate the algorithm when our cost vector .

    LP duality

    This problem is called the primal (P)

    and this is the corresponding dual problem (D)

    The following relation holds for the primal and dual

    Primal Dual
    Objective min max
    Variables (canonical) Constraints
    Constraints (canonical) Variables

    Weak duality theorem

    If is a feasible point in (P) and is a feasible point in (D) then

    Strong duality theorem

    If both (P) and (D) are feasible then

    1. There exists optimal in (P) and optimal in (D)
    2. (meaning )

    Possibilities in (P) and (D)

    P\D Finite optima Unbounded Infeasible
    Finite optima X
    Unbounded X
    Infeasible X X


    A perturbation is a small change to either or .

    Subgradient method

    For convex problems we can relax the differentiability assumption and use something like the subgradient method. Let be a nonempty convex set and let be a convex function. The is called a subgradient of at if

    The set of all subgradients to at is called the subdifferential of and is defined as

    Integer Linear Programming (ILP)

    Logical constraints

    • if then
    • xor
    • or
    • exactly one
    • at least one

    Disjoint feasible sets

    Feasible direction methods

    These methods are just as local as unconstrained methods, but we find search direction in different ways and termination criteria is often based on KKT. For general sets it could be tricky to find search directions and step lengths. Three well known methods are the Frank-Wolfe method, Simplicial decomposition and the Gradient projection algorithm. These method apply on polyhedron.

    Frank-Wolfe method

    The idea of the Frank-Wolfe method is to calculate the direction of a linear approximation at a point , find the nearest extreme point with the simplex method and go in the direction of the extreme point.

    Simplicial decomposition

    It works like the Frank-Wolfe algorithm but it remembers previous extreme points and searches in the convex hull of these points for the next iterations.

    Gradient projection algorithm

    Based on the idea that this holds at a local min:

    For every iteration choose the next as follows

    where for some feasible direction.

    Penalty methods

    The idea of penalty methods is to transform a constrained problem to a unconstrained problem.


    Exterior penalty method

    Suppose that

    Choose a penalty method, e.g.

    Approximate the indicator function

    Interior penalty method

    Suppose that

    Assume that (an interior point should exist)

    Choose a penalty method, e.g.

    Approximate the indicator function