Elements are referred to as vectors

    where is a real number and , the denotes the transpose operator. For two vectors and , we define the following properties:

    • addition:
    • multiplication by scalar:
    • scalar product:

    A linear subspace is a set that holds:

    • for every it holds that
    • for every it holds that

    An affine subspace is a set that is represented as:

    • for some vector and linear subspace


    The rank of a matrix is the dimension spanned by its columns. Thus, the maximal number of linearly independent columns in , which in turn, is equal to the dimension spanned by its rows. The column rank and the row rank are always equal.


    The trace [1] of a square matrix , is the sum of the elements of the main diagonal, e.g. where is the identity matrix with three dimension has the trace of .
